Professional Activities


September 2018 till now — Associate Professor, LGDP, Université de Perpignan Via Domitia

I am part of the Theoretical Biology team lead by Sébastien Gourbière and I work on the dynamics of transposable elements in genomes of plants.

April 2016 till July 2018 — Postdoctoral position, SnT, Université du Luxembourg

Member of the ASIMUT project (Aid to SItuation Management based on MUltimodal, MUltiUAVs, MUltilevel acquisition Techniques). The challenges of this project consist of handling several fleets, or swarms, of UAVs including communication, networking and positioning aspects. I focus my research on the mobility aspect of the swarms using chaotic dynamics. I also use these chaotic dynamics in optimization algorithms.

March 2015 till April 2016 — Postdoctoral position, LaBRI (UMR-5800), Univ. Bordeaux

Member of the ASIMUT project where I focused my reasearch on the autonomy and re-tasking topic for the swarms of UAVs.

November 2014 — Ph.D. Thesis, CORIA (UMR-6614), Université de Rouen (3 years)

Topological characterization of numerous chaotic attractors and definition of algebraical relations between their templates (algorithms and software implementation and topological characterization for attractors bounded by high genus tori).

2011 — End-of-studies internship, CORIA (UMR-6614), Université de Rouen (4 months)

Introduction to dynamical system theory and topological characterization.

2010 — Summer internship, IRSTEA (previously CEMAGREF) Grenoble (4 months)

Spatial information fusion: an application to natural risks in mountains; Dempster–Shafer and fuzzy logic theory

2010 — Project, INSA de Rouen, Rouen (3 months)

Detection of areas in grayscale images using biological inspiration of social spider species; a multi-agent system is implemented in C++

2009 — Project, AMMIS, Université de Rouen (3 months)

Dynamical study of enzymatic system of ordinary differential equations; search of parameter values producing an overshoot


2018–2023, Université de Perpignan Via Domitia
  • ~220 teaching hours per year mainly on Python (30%), R (60%) and LaTeX (10%) for undergraduate and PhD students. I am teaching for bachelor, and master for numerous domains: Computer Science, Mathematics, Biology, Physics, Engineer Diploma in Renewable Energies and Physical activities.

2017–2018, Université du Luxembourg
  • Assistant for 18 teaching hours on Discrete Mathematics for undergraduate students

  • Assistant for 18 teaching hours on Programming in C for undergraduate students

  • Assistant for 5 teaching hours on Algorithms and Metaheuristics for undergraduate students

2017–2018, Université de Bordeaux
  • 8 teaching hours on Chaos applied to Mobility Models for undergraduate students

2016–2017, Université du Luxembourg
  • Assistant for 18 teaching hours on Discrete Mathematics for undergraduate students

  • Assistant for 5 teaching hours on Algorithms for undergraduate students

2016–2017, Université de Bordeaux
  • 8 teaching hours on Chaos applied to Mobility Models for undergraduate students. Chaotic Mobility Models - TP (fr)

2015–2016, Lycée Malherbe, Caen
  • Co-supervised students projects (2nd year of licence) on the Fractal structure of chaotic attractors by Grégoire Petit and Guillaume Weghsteen Report (fr)

2015–2016, Université de Bordeaux
  • 8 teaching hours on Multi-Agent System and Chaos applied to Mobility Models for undergraduate students

2012–2013, Université de Rouen
  • 34 teaching hours on Symbolic computation with Maple for undergraduate students CM-TD-TP (fr)

  • 30 teaching hours on Java programming for undergraduate students TP (fr)