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Articles in peer-reviewed journals

On the use of chaotic dynamics for mobile network design and analysis: towards a trace data generator
M. Rosalie & S. Chaumette
Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 1-18, 2023.
Bayesian Optimization to select Rössler system parameters used in Chaotic Ant Colony Optimization for Coverage
M. Rosalie, E. Kieffer, M. R. Brust, G. Danoy & P. Bouvry
Journal of Computational Science, 41, 101047, 2020.
DACYCLEM: a Decentralized Algorithm for Maximizing Coverage and Lifetime in a Mobile Wireless Sensor Network
J.-M. Etancelin, A. Fabbri, F. Guinand & M. Rosalie
Ad Hoc Networks, 87, 174–187, 2019.
Collision avoidance effects on the mobility of a UAV swarm using Chaotic Ant Colony with Model Predictive Control
J. E. Dentler, M. Rosalie, G. Danoy, P. Bouvry, S. Kannan, M. A. Olivares-Mendez & H. Voos
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 93(1-2), 227–243, 2019.
Chaos-enhanced mobility models for multilevel swarms of UAVs
M. Rosalie, G. Danoy, S. Chaumette & P. Bouvry
Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 41, 36–48, 2018.
Chaotic Traversal (ChaT): Very Large Graphs Traversal using Chaotic Dynamics
B. Changaival, M. Rosalie, G. Danoy, K. Lavangnananda & P. Bouvry
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 27 (14), 1750215, 2017.
Templates and subtemplates of Rössler attractors from a bifurcation diagram
M. Rosalie
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 49 (31), 315101, 2016.
Algorithms for concatenating templates
R. Gilmore & M. Rosalie
Chaos, 26 (3), 033102, 2016.
Algorithms implemented in python are available on GitHub
Templates of two foliated attractors — Lorenz and Chen systems
M. Rosalie
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 26 (02), 1650037, 2016.
Systematic template extraction from chaotic attractors: II. Genus-one attractors with multiple unimodal folding mechanisms
M. Rosalie & C. Letellier
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 48 (23), 235101, 2015.
Toward a general procedure for extracting templates from chaotic attractors bounded by high genus torus
M. Rosalie & C. Letellier
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 24 (04), 1450045, 2014
A cancer model for the angiogenic switch
L. Viger, F. Denis, M. Rosalie & C. Letellier
Journal of Theoretical Biology, 360, 21–33, 2014.
Systematic template extraction from chaotic attractors: I. Genus-one attractors with an inversion symmetry
M. Rosalie & C. Letellier
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 46 (37), 375101, 2013.

Peer-reviewed conference proceedings

Visualizing the Template of a Chaotic Attractor
M. Olszewski, J. Meder, E. Kieffer, R. Bleuse, M. Rosalie, G. Danoy, P. Bouvry
In Biedl T., Kerren A. (eds) Graph Drawing and Network Visualization. GD 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11282. Springer, Cham
CATE (Chaotic Attractor TEmplate) tool available online: or PyPI
Coverage optimization with connectivity preservation for UAV swarms applying chaotic dynamics,
M. Rosalie, M. R. Brust, G. Danoy, S. Chaumette & P. Bouvry
In proc. of IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC), 113–118, 2017.
ASIMUT project: Aid to SItuation Management based on MUltimodal, MUltiUAVs, MUltilevel acquisition Techniques
P. Bouvry, S. Chaumette, G. Danoy, G. Guerrini, G. Jurquet, A. Kuwertz, W. Müller, M. Rosalie, J. Sander & F. Segor
In proc. of ACM Workshop on Micro Aerial Vehicle Networks, Systems, and Applications (DroNet@MobiSys), 17–20, 2017.
Area exploration with a swarm of UAVs combining deterministic Chaotic Ant Colony Mobility with position MPC
M. Rosalie, J. E. Dentler, G. Danoy, P. Bouvry, S. Kannan, M. A. Olivares-Mendez & H. Voos
In proc. of IEEE International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), 1392–1397, 2017.
From random process to chaotic behavior in swarms of UAVs
M. Rosalie, G. Danoy, S. Chaumette & P. Bouvry
In proc. of ACM International Symposium on Design and Analysis of Intelligent Vehicular Networks and Applications (DIVANet@MSWiM), 9–15, 2016.
Using heterogeneous multilevel swarms of UAVs and high-level data fusion to support situation management in surveillance scenarios
P. Bouvry, S. Chaumette, G. Danoy, G. Guerrini, G. Jurquet, A. Kuwertz, W. Müller, M. Rosalie & J. Sander
In proc. of IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems (MFI), 424–429, 2016.
UAV multilevel swarms for situation management
M. Rosalie, G. Danoy, P. Bouvry & S. Chaumette
In proc. of ACM Workshop on Micro Aerial Vehicle Networks, Systems, and Applications for Civilian Use (DroNet@MobiSys), 49–52, 2016.

Conference Proceedings

Exploring chaotic dynamics by partition of bifurcation diagram
B. Changaival & M. Rosalie
In proc. of Workshop on Advance in Nonlinear Complex Systems and Applications (WANCSA), 7–8, Le Havre, 2017.
Topologically inequivalent chaotic attractors solution to the Chua circuit
M. Rosalie & C. Letellier
In proc. of International Conference on Complex Systems and Applications (ICCSA), 475–484, Le Havre, 2014.
Spatial information fusion: application to expertise and management of natural risks in mountains
J.-M. Tacnet, M. Rosalie, J. Dezert & E. Travaglini
In proc. of International Conference on Spatial Analysis and GEOmatics (SAGEO), 408–412, Toulouse, 2010.

French conference proceedings

Impact du mécanisme chaotique sur l’optimisation d’un modèle de mobilité pour un essaim de drones devant réaliser une couverture de zone
M. Rosalie, G. Danoy, S. Chaumette & P. Bouvry
Comptes rendus des Rencontres du Non-Linéaire, 20, 79–84, Paris, 2017.
Un gabarit pour tous les attracteurs d’un diagramme de bifurcation du système de Rössler
M. Rosalie
Comptes rendus des Rencontres du Non-Linéaire, 19, 103–108, Paris, 2016.
Topologie d’attracteurs bornés par des frontières toroïdales de genre élevé
M. Rosalie & C. Letellier
Conférence sur les Systèmes Dynamiques Complexes, Alger, 2013.
Gabarit d’un attracteur borné par une frontière toroïdale de genre 5
M. Rosalie & C. Letellier
Comptes rendus des Rencontres du Non-Linéaire, 16, 131–136, Paris, 2013.
Impact des cellules endothéliales sur la dynamique de croissance tumorale
L. Viger, F. Denis, M. Rosalie & C. Letellier
Comptes rendus des Rencontres du Non-Linéaire, 16, 173–178, Paris, 2012.
Topologie du chaos toroïdal induit par un pendule double actif
M. Rosalie, D. Firmo, L. Tôrres & C. Letellier
Comptes rendus des Rencontres du Non-Linéaire, 15, 185–190, Paris, 2012.
Vers une topologie du chaos toroïdal tridimensionnel
M. Rosalie & C. Letellier
Comptes rendus des Rencontres du Non-Linéaire, 14, 151–156, Paris, 2011.

PhD Thesis

Composition laws of branched manifold for description of chaotic attractors bounded by high genus torus
M. Rosalie
Université de Rouen, November 26, 2014

Articles submitted or in preparation

Unravelling the bottom-up and top-down control of a worldwide chestnut tree pest invader through integrative ecological genomics
J.-L. Zitoun, R. Rousseau, J. Bertrand, E. Toulza, M. Rosalie, S. Gourbière
Structure analysis of Lorenz-84 chaotic attractor
M. Rosalie & S. Mangiarotti
in preparation
Modelling parasite invasion with graph: Dryocosmus kuriphilus a threat for Castanea Sativa
M. Rosalie, J.-L. Zitoun, A. Casteigts & S. Gourbière
in preparation
Chaotic mechanism description by an elementary mixer for the template of an attractor
M. Rosalie
in preparation