This is my personal web page describing my activities as associate professor at the Plant Genome and Development Laboratory (LGDP), Univ. Perpignan Via Domitia (UPVD).

I worked on topological characterization of chaotic attractors (see Chaos and Chaotic Attractors) and on mobility models for swarms of UAVs (see Chaotic Mobility Models). Now, I develop interdisciplinary research about population dynamics including a genomic aspects (see Theoretical Biology).


Period-1 and period-2 orbits in the phase space (left) and in a template (right).


Swarm of 10 UAVs using CACOC mobility model; green pheromones disappear over time.

  • Dynamical systems

  • Chaos

  • Complex systems

  • Network dynamics

  • Mobility Models

  • Swarm of UAVs

  • Theoretical biology